

The Comic

When your classmates have kickass superpowers and you don’t, fitting in is not going to be easy… just the kind of challenge Kaycee Jones is looking for! Magellan follows the story of a young woman and her fellow cadets pursuing their dream of becoming superheros. Set within the vast, epic backdrop of a world filled with heroes and villains past, present and future, these wannabe heroes tackle any number of deadly challenges. Online since 2004, Magellan has garnered numerous nominations for best superhero webcomic and is recognized for being both character and action driven.

The Creator

Grace “xmung” Crowley has been foisting her cartoons on the world for longer than she cares to remember. From time to time she teaches cartooning to unsuspecting students at a Sydney evening college. Her interest in comics range from the fangirlish to the alternative-indie-undergroundish. The “xmung” moniker arose from an unfortunate incident involving boredom and lentils.

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